Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Creating Tactics

A Tactic is a marketing action that takes place as part of a campaign, for example the creation of an output file, or the sending of an email. Tactics have associated creatives, which are the media assets linked with the tactic, for example the content of an email or mail shot.

The tool allows users to create tactics outside of a campaign, for example when setting up standard tactics that can be templatized and used across multiple campaigns.


  1. Drag the Tactic tool from the tool box to the Document Bar.

This will open the editor in full screen mode. By default the tactic will be called New.

  1. Set the name when you save the tactic, or click the icon to display the Document Info screen where you can enter a name and description.
  2. Each tactic can have one or more creatives associated with it. The following types of creative are currently supported:
    • Output File
    • Send a Message
    • Omni tactic
    • Tridion Email tactic
  3. Add a creative to a tactic by selecting the tactic in the tactic bar and then choosing a creative type from the drop-down and clicking the Add button. A configuration screen will be displayed to the right. Each type of creative has its own configuration options.
  4. Delete a creative by selecting it and clicking the icon to the right of the creative drop-down field.

What to do next

Tactics are saved as templates, so you can clone the tactic for re-use across a number of campaigns without the original tactic being changed.

To use a tactic template in a campaign, select the New from Template button on the Tactic tab and browse to your saved template via the Document Explorer

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